Dog Days of Summer!

Last Updated on August 20, 2024 by Capt. Bucky

What can I say about the fishing other than it’s been hot out there. The weather and the fishing.  July, I was mostly busy running my kid’s fishing camps out of Safety Harbor. We had some great young kids aboard and we caught a lot of fish. Fishing, swimming, and fun were the keys to my success. July’s bite had been very steady for snook, and redfish action. We had some very productive days and few days that were more challenging.

Every summer we have a hatch of small white bait. These tiny baits invade the flats and can make it very frustrating when catching bait. For one thing they can get gilled in your net, and the small bait are also very hard to cast any distance unless you use a float and even then, it can be a struggle. The fish didn’t seem mind as the reds and snook were chewing them up as fast as we could get them out. With the influx of smaller bait comes an influx of hungry predators. Mackerel, snapper, jacks, ladyfish, but my favorite is the small fun sized tarpon.

It took a little longer for the tarpon to show up this year. The water was really hot and dirty and the fish just didn’t seem to be in their usual haunts until the end of the month. Once I found them, we were successful in landing quite a few. Then came August, and with August came Tropical Storm/Hurricane Debby. Although it was only affecting us wind and wave wise for a few days its lingering effect is still here, but I see great signs since the storm.

For one thing the influx of water has really seemed to flush out the upper bay and the water is looking cleaner than usual for this time of year. Directly following the storm, the water was so dirty. It was stirred up, extremely tannic, leaving coffee brown water and very little visibility. That is all starting to pass and the fish seem to be getting back into their grove. Last trip out we landed close to a dozen reds and just as many snook. Not the craziest of days, but great to see after this passing storm.

I am looking forward to this coming fall as I am seeing signs that its going to be a great one. There is a lot more grass than there was this time last year. That means these fish will feel comfortable staying in the area longer than they have the past few years. Once it starts to cool down a bit the redfish are going to start schooling up and tailing on the flats. Fall is my favorite time of the year to fish. The weather and the tides all seem to work in your favor. The fish devour everything in preparation for the coming winter. Its such a great time to be out there.  Redfish, Snook, Tarpon, Trout, Tripletail, will all be ready for a battle.

Late September through November seem to be the best time to go out and target redfish both on live bait or artificial as well as snook and tarpon. If you want to get out on the water and have a fish filled day. Don’t hesitate to book your trip today as I will most likely be filling up quickly. 407-977-7650 Capt. Bucky Goldman

“Our group had a blast with Capt. Casey. The boat was comfortable and had plenty of room to accommodate our group of 5. Very knowedgable, very friendly and great fisherman. The redfish and trout where great for dinner.”
Richard P. from PA.
Happy Customer

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